Lost Medieval Village of Tadley

Volunteers Needed Tadley is designated in the National Monuments Record (England), now known as English Heritage Archive and the Archaeology and Historic Buildings Record as a ‘Deserted Mediaeval Village’. The parish church of St Peter’s stands alone amongst the fields, with most of modern Tadley (post 1600), now […]

Tadley Tracks, Tadley Facts

Tadley Tracks, Tadley Facts Explore a little of Tadley and its environs and you will soon be extolling the joy and interest of the countryside which surrounds it, and wanting to know more about the quiet corners, full of secrets, changing splendours and peacefulness. The book contains nine […]

In Grateful Remembrance – Tadley War Memorial

TADS publications are on sale at Profile Print and Copy, 50 Bishopswood Road, Tadley RG26 4HD (cash and cheques only) [Tuesday to Friday, 9.00 am to 5.30 pm]. They can also be purchased from TADS (tel) 0118 970 1578; (email) tadshistory@gmail.com In 2014, as part of the national […]

The History of Blood Letting – Talk by Dr. Tim Smith

TADS Meeting 19th June 2019 Talk by Dr. Tim Smith, Retired Consultant Anaesthetist; Curator, Royal Berkshire Medical Museum   Leeches. Some shudder at the thought of them. The Amazonian ones grow to3 feet (92 cms) in length. The smaller European medicinal leech – Hirudo medicinalis – has been […]

Tadley War Memorial Project

As part of the national commemorations of the 100th anniversary of the beginning of World War I, TADS members researched the names of the men listed on Tadley War Memorial. An exhibition displaying research on the 31 men from World War I listed on the memorial was held […]